When business owners are looking at the corporate opportunity, they often ask me “do corporations buy what I sell”? I want you to think about this in this context: have you ever heard the phrase “starstruck”? You remember when you looked at rock stars or movie stars or famous people, you saw the glamour of their lives. You saw all the attention they received and in your head you started thinking through the amount of money they made and how much easier their lives must be. How they were always being driven around in a limousine or having maids and butlers and just a whole host of people that provided them all the concierge services. That’s the image that is exported to us on a regular basis where, you know, when a person has achieved that level of success they're immune to many things, and so everybody just generally believes that's their everyday lives. I mentioned that particular example because you would be amazed - you really and truly would be amazed how often I get th...
Educating small businesses on doing business with big businesses.